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Kistefos AS
Kistefos AS is a private investment company owned and controlled by Christen Sveaas. The company was established in 1998 and manages a diversified portfolio of companies within a variety of industries including offshore, shipping, financial services, technology and real estate. Kistefos’ investment portfolio is managed from Oslo, Norway, and is mainly focused on investments in Europe.
Kistefos AS
Kistefos AS is a private investment company owned and controlled by Christen Sveaas. The company was established in 1998 and manages a diversified portfolio of companies within a variety of industries including offshore, shipping, financial services, technology and real estate. Kistefos’ investment portfolio is managed from Oslo, Norway, and is mainly focused on investments in Europe.
Kistefos AS
Kistefos AS is a private investment company owned and controlled by Christen Sveaas. The company was established in 1998 and manages a diversified portfolio of companies within a variety of industries including offshore, shipping, financial services, technology and real estate. Kistefos’ investment portfolio is managed from Oslo, Norway, and is mainly focused on investments in Europe.
General Meta Tags
10- titleKistefos AS
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Open Graph Meta Tags
10- og:localeen_US
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- og:titleKistefos AS
- og:descriptionKistefos AS is a private investment company owned and controlled by Christen Sveaas. The company was established in 1998 and manages a diversified portfolio of companies within a variety of industries including offshore, shipping, financial services, technology and real estate. Kistefos’ investment portfolio is managed from Oslo, Norway, and is mainly focused on investments in Europe.
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
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