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Home - Student Mental Health Resource
No matter where you are on the mental wellness continuum, from being proactive about your mental well-being to feeling stressed or needing urgent help, U of T is here to support you. We are actively engaged in your mental well-being and want to empower you to discover the resources you need to feel and do your best. Whether it’s a bad day, a break-up, a life changing event or an urgent crisis, we are always here and can help you take your first step on your mental health journey.
Home - Student Mental Health Resource
No matter where you are on the mental wellness continuum, from being proactive about your mental well-being to feeling stressed or needing urgent help, U of T is here to support you. We are actively engaged in your mental well-being and want to empower you to discover the resources you need to feel and do your best. Whether it’s a bad day, a break-up, a life changing event or an urgent crisis, we are always here and can help you take your first step on your mental health journey.
Home - Student Mental Health Resource
No matter where you are on the mental wellness continuum, from being proactive about your mental well-being to feeling stressed or needing urgent help, U of T is here to support you. We are actively engaged in your mental well-being and want to empower you to discover the resources you need to feel and do your best. Whether it’s a bad day, a break-up, a life changing event or an urgent crisis, we are always here and can help you take your first step on your mental health journey.
General Meta Tags
10- titleHome - Student Mental Health Resource
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- descriptionNo matter where you are on the mental wellness continuum, from being proactive about your mental well-being to feeling stressed or needing urgent help, U of T is here to support you. We are actively engaged in your mental well-being and want to empower you to discover the resources you need to feel and do your best. Whether it’s a bad day, a break-up, a life changing event or an urgent crisis, we are always here and can help you take your first step on your mental health journey.
Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:localeen_US
- og:typewebsite
- og:titleHome - Student Mental Health Resource
- og:descriptionNo matter where you are on the mental wellness continuum, from being proactive about your mental well-being to feeling stressed or needing urgent help, U of T is here to support you. We are actively engaged in your mental well-being and want to empower you to discover the resources you need to feel and do your best. Whether it’s a bad day, a break-up, a life changing event or an urgent crisis, we are always here and can help you take your first step on your mental health journey.
- og:url
Twitter Meta Tags
1- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
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