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What is Climate Change?

National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System serves as the primary enabling platform of the CCC in consolidating and monitoring, among other things, data and information on climate change and climate action from sources and actors coming from both public and private sector and other stakeholders, allowing for decision-makers to access, distribute and exchange these data for use in policymaking, development planning, investment decision making.


What is Climate Change?

National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System serves as the primary enabling platform of the CCC in consolidating and monitoring, among other things, data and information on climate change and climate action from sources and actors coming from both public and private sector and other stakeholders, allowing for decision-makers to access, distribute and exchange these data for use in policymaking, development planning, investment decision making.


What is Climate Change?

National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System serves as the primary enabling platform of the CCC in consolidating and monitoring, among other things, data and information on climate change and climate action from sources and actors coming from both public and private sector and other stakeholders, allowing for decision-makers to access, distribute and exchange these data for use in policymaking, development planning, investment decision making.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      NICCDIES | What is Climate Change?
    • charset
    • X-UA-Compatible
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
    • description
      National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System serves as the primary enabling platform of the CCC in consolidating and monitoring, among other things, data and information on climate change and climate action from sources and actors coming from both public and private sector and other stakeholders, allowing for decision-makers to access, distribute and exchange these data for use in policymaking, development planning, investment decision making.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:site_name
    • og:description
      National Integrated Climate Change Database Information and Exchange System serves as the primary enabling platform of the CCC in consolidating and monitoring, among other things, data and information on climate change and climate action from sources and actors coming from both public and private sector and other stakeholders, allowing for decision-makers to access, distribute and exchange these data for use in policymaking, development planning, investment decision making.
    • og:title
      What is Climate Change?
    • og:url
    • og:type
  • Link Tags

    • stylesheet|Josefin+Sans:300,400|Lato|Inconsolata
    • stylesheet
