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Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App

Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App is an open source software platform for building geospatial tours that are optimized for mobile devices and available for laptop/desktop web browsers. Emory University affiliates and partner organizations can use OpenTour Builder to create interactive virtual tours that guide users from stop to stop using their smartphone’s GPS and OpenTour’s native Google Maps instructions. Each online tour stop can include images, video, text, and external links to provide historical and cultural context, tying that information to the physical space. The OpenTour multisite includes links to all currently-published instances of OpenTour.


Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App

Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App is an open source software platform for building geospatial tours that are optimized for mobile devices and available for laptop/desktop web browsers. Emory University affiliates and partner organizations can use OpenTour Builder to create interactive virtual tours that guide users from stop to stop using their smartphone’s GPS and OpenTour’s native Google Maps instructions. Each online tour stop can include images, video, text, and external links to provide historical and cultural context, tying that information to the physical space. The OpenTour multisite includes links to all currently-published instances of OpenTour.


Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App

Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App is an open source software platform for building geospatial tours that are optimized for mobile devices and available for laptop/desktop web browsers. Emory University affiliates and partner organizations can use OpenTour Builder to create interactive virtual tours that guide users from stop to stop using their smartphone’s GPS and OpenTour’s native Google Maps instructions. Each online tour stop can include images, video, text, and external links to provide historical and cultural context, tying that information to the physical space. The OpenTour multisite includes links to all currently-published instances of OpenTour.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Open Tour Builder
    • charset
    • X-UA-Compatible
    • description
    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=12.0, minimum-scale=.25, user-scalable=yes
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:type
    • og:url
    • og:title
      Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App
    • og:description
      Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App is an open source software platform for building geospatial tours that are optimized for mobile devices and available for laptop/desktop web browsers. Emory University affiliates and partner organizations can use OpenTour Builder to create interactive virtual tours that guide users from stop to stop using their smartphone’s GPS and OpenTour’s native Google Maps instructions. Each online tour stop can include images, video, text, and external links to provide historical and cultural context, tying that information to the physical space. The OpenTour multisite includes links to all currently-published instances of OpenTour.
    • og:image
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:title
      Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App
    • twitter:description
      Emory University OpenTour Mobile Tour App is an open source software platform for building geospatial tours that are optimized for mobile devices and available for laptop/desktop web browsers. Emory University affiliates and partner organizations can use OpenTour Builder to create interactive virtual tours that guide users from stop to stop using their smartphone’s GPS and OpenTour’s native Google Maps instructions. Each online tour stop can include images, video, text, and external links to provide historical and cultural context, tying that information to the physical space. The OpenTour multisite includes links to all currently-published instances of OpenTour.
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:card
  • Link Tags

    • stylesheet
    • stylesheet
