Preview meta tags from the portfolio.switch.ch website.
Linked Hostnames
5- 3 links toportfolio.switch.ch
- 2 links towww.switch.ch
- 1 link tohelp.switch.ch
- 1 link tomahara.org
- 1 link tomanual.mahara.org
Search Engine Appearance
Home - SWITCHportfolio
Mahara is an open source ePortfolio and social networking web application. It provides people with tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio of their learning and social networking features to allow them to interact with each other.
Home - SWITCHportfolio
Mahara is an open source ePortfolio and social networking web application. It provides people with tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio of their learning and social networking features to allow them to interact with each other.
Home - SWITCHportfolio
Mahara is an open source ePortfolio and social networking web application. It provides people with tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio of their learning and social networking features to allow them to interact with each other.
General Meta Tags
6- titleHome - SWITCHportfolio
- generatorMahara 24.04 (https://mahara.org)
- Content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
- X-UA-CompatibleIE=edge
- viewportwidth=device-width,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=10.0,initial-scale=1.0
Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:titleHome - SWITCHportfolio
- og:descriptionMahara is an open source ePortfolio and social networking web application. It provides people with tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio of their learning and social networking features to allow them to interact with each other.
- og:imagehttps://portfolio.switch.ch/theme/raw/images/site-logo-facebook.png
- og:image:width1200
- og:image:height630
Link Tags
4- image_srchttps://portfolio.switch.ch/thumb.php?type=logobyid&id=844200&v=4209
- shortcut iconhttps://portfolio.switch.ch/favicon.ico?v=4209
- stylesheethttps://portfolio.switch.ch/theme/switch/style/style.css?v=4209
- stylesheethttps://portfolio.switch.ch/local/theme/local.css?v=4209
8- http://www.switch.ch/portfolio/support
- https://help.switch.ch/portfolio/support
- https://mahara.org
- https://manual.mahara.org/en/24.04/intro/dashboard.html
- https://portfolio.switch.ch