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Programs - AAP
Programs The Association of American Publishers represents the leading consumer, educational, professional, and scholarly publishers in the United States. Our members connect people with the books they love, information they trust, and materials that help them learn. PROSE Awards Since 1976, the Association of American Publishers’ awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Awards) have
Programs - AAP
Programs The Association of American Publishers represents the leading consumer, educational, professional, and scholarly publishers in the United States. Our members connect people with the books they love, information they trust, and materials that help them learn. PROSE Awards Since 1976, the Association of American Publishers’ awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Awards) have
Programs - AAP
Programs The Association of American Publishers represents the leading consumer, educational, professional, and scholarly publishers in the United States. Our members connect people with the books they love, information they trust, and materials that help them learn. PROSE Awards Since 1976, the Association of American Publishers’ awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Awards) have
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13- titlePrograms - AAP
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- descriptionPrograms The Association of American Publishers represents the leading consumer, educational, professional, and scholarly publishers in the United States. Our members connect people with the books they love, information they trust, and materials that help them learn. PROSE Awards Since 1976, the Association of American Publishers’ awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Awards) have
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- og:localeen_US
- og:site_nameAAP - The Voice of American Publishing
- og:typearticle
- og:titlePrograms - AAP
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- twitter:titlePrograms - AAP
- twitter:descriptionPrograms The Association of American Publishers represents the leading consumer, educational, professional, and scholarly publishers in the United States. Our members connect people with the books they love, information they trust, and materials that help them learn. PROSE Awards Since 1976, the Association of American Publishers’ awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE Awards) have
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