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QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
A "QSO" is a conversation between amateur radio operators, or "Hams". Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews a new guest every week on the subject of amateur radio, their history, and the specific areas of technical and operating interest in amateur radio or ham radio. These interviews also serve as an oral history of amateur radio since WW2.
QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
A "QSO" is a conversation between amateur radio operators, or "Hams". Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews a new guest every week on the subject of amateur radio, their history, and the specific areas of technical and operating interest in amateur radio or ham radio. These interviews also serve as an oral history of amateur radio since WW2.
QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
A "QSO" is a conversation between amateur radio operators, or "Hams". Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews a new guest every week on the subject of amateur radio, their history, and the specific areas of technical and operating interest in amateur radio or ham radio. These interviews also serve as an oral history of amateur radio since WW2.
General Meta Tags
8- titleQSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
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Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:typewebsite
- og:urlhttps://qsotoday.libsyn.com/
- og:titleQSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
- og:imagehttp://assets.libsyn.com/content/102709760?height=250&width=250
- og:image:width250
Twitter Meta Tags
5- twitter:site@qsotoday
- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:titleQSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
- twitter:descriptionA "QSO" is a conversation between amateur radio operators, or "Hams". Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews a new guest every week on the subject of amateur radio, their history, and the specific areas of technical and operating interest in amateur radio or ham radio. These interviews also serve as an oral history of amateur radio since WW2.
- twitter:imagehttp://assets.libsyn.com/content/102709760
Item Prop Meta Tags
3- nameQSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
- descriptionA "QSO" is a conversation between amateur radio operators, or "Hams". Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, interviews a new guest every week on the subject of amateur radio, their history, and the specific areas of technical and operating interest in amateur radio or ham radio. These interviews also serve as an oral history of amateur radio since WW2.
- imagehttps://assets.libsyn.com/secure/content/102709760
Link Tags
6- alternatehttp://feeds.libsyn.com/56208/rss
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160- http://feeds.libsyn.com/56208/rss
- http://twitter.com/@qsotoday
- https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/qso-today-conversation-for/id903684889?ls=1
- https://open.spotify.com/show/4ighuXokhujBDAvxouoQA2?si=z3gjPEFeSuq_CVef6R0FsQ
- https://play.radiopublic.com/qso-today-the-oral-histories-of-GMPRkQ