Preview meta tags from the risd.edu website.
Linked Hostnames
22- 70 links torisd.edu
- 8 links towww.instagram.com
- 5 links toinvolved.risd.edu
- 5 links tostudents.risd.edu
- 1 link toalumni.risd.edu
- 1 link tocareercenter.risd.edu
- 1 link toce.risd.edu
- 1 link tofacebook.com
General Meta Tags
9- titleRhode Island School of Design
- charsetutf-8
- descriptionFounded in 1877, RISD is one of the first art and design schools in the US. Our students engage in rigorous, studio-based learning and liberal arts studies.
- abstractFounded in 1877, RISD is one of the first art and design schools in the US. Our students engage in rigorous, studio-based learning and liberal arts studies.
- keywordsrisd
Open Graph Meta Tags
1- og:image/themes/custom/risd_base_theme/dist/images/risd_logo_1200x630.png
Twitter Meta Tags
2- twitter:cardsummary
- twitter:site@risd
Link Tags
18- apple-touch-icon/themes/custom/risd_base_theme/favicon_io/apple-touch-icon.png
- canonicalhttps://www.risd.edu/
- icon/themes/custom/risd_base_theme/favicon.ico
- icon/themes/custom/risd_base_theme/favicon_io/favicon-16x16.png
- icon/themes/custom/risd_base_theme/favicon_io/favicon-32x32.png
106- http://facebook.com/risd1877
- http://involved.risd.edu/events
- http://x.com/risd
- https://alumni.risd.edu
- https://careercenter.risd.edu