Preview meta tags from the terradactyl.xyz website.
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terradactyl - A bespoke + boutique QA agency
Specialist and bespoke quality assurance for the creative tech industry | led by QA veterans who’ve delivered 100+ high-profile projects.
terradactyl - A bespoke + boutique QA agency
Specialist and bespoke quality assurance for the creative tech industry | led by QA veterans who’ve delivered 100+ high-profile projects.
terradactyl - A bespoke + boutique QA agency
Specialist and bespoke quality assurance for the creative tech industry | led by QA veterans who’ve delivered 100+ high-profile projects.
General Meta Tags
8- titleterradactyl - A bespoke + boutique QA agency
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5, shrink-to-fit=no, viewport-fit=cover
- descriptionSpecialist and bespoke quality assurance for the creative tech industry | led by QA veterans who’ve delivered 100+ high-profile projects.
- keywordsQA, Quality Assurance, Advertising, Innovation, Marketing, Creative Tech, Experiential, Websites, Campaigns, Apps, Testing
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:urlhttps://terradactyl.xyz
- og:typewebsite
- og:titleterradactyl - A bespoke + boutique QA agency
- og:imagehttps://a.storyblok.com/f/294690/1200x630/f9213193ed/terradactyl-socialshare.png
- og:localeen_US
Twitter Meta Tags
4- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleterradactyl - A bespoke + boutique QA agency
- twitter:imagehttps://a.storyblok.com/f/294690/1200x630/f9213193ed/terradactyl-socialshare.png
- twitter:descriptionSpecialist and bespoke quality assurance for the creative tech industry | led by QA veterans who’ve delivered 100+ high-profile projects.
Link Tags
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19- https://terradactyl.xyz
- https://terradactyl.xyz/#contact
- https://terradactyl.xyz/26e0ff43-ff34-4bf9-a918-648f4a2cd93a
- https://terradactyl.xyz/46c1d5cd-0ac5-4922-9742-76adc87b9131
- https://terradactyl.xyz/4d1c38b3-0e1d-4dcf-aeb0-6f78763e55fb