Preview meta tags from the turkay.me website.
Linked Hostnames
5- 45 links togithub.com
- 2 links toapps.apple.com
- 2 links toplay.google.com
- 1 link toturkay.me
- 1 link totwitter.com
General Meta Tags
5- titleTürkay Tanrıkulu
- charsetutf-8
- viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
- descriptionI'm a software developer, I get my power from the computer, I love to play games, these days I often write code that breaks games because I'm into reverse engineering and I wonder how some things work..
- authorTürkay Tanrıkulu
Link Tags
1- stylesheethttps://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css
51- https://apps.apple.com/app/id6451494922
- https://apps.apple.com/app/id6455259953
- https://github.com/0x178F/shopier-api
- https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities
- https://github.com/DarthTon/Blackbone