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Vox Books, Innovative digital solutions for libraries around the world. We proudly distribute e-content, design and build innovative products, and directly handle customer service to ensure optimal satisfaction. Library Ideas® has over 5,000 customers in over 20 countries.
Create Account
Vox Books, Innovative digital solutions for libraries around the world. We proudly distribute e-content, design and build innovative products, and directly handle customer service to ensure optimal satisfaction. Library Ideas® has over 5,000 customers in over 20 countries.
Create Account
Vox Books, Innovative digital solutions for libraries around the world. We proudly distribute e-content, design and build innovative products, and directly handle customer service to ensure optimal satisfaction. Library Ideas® has over 5,000 customers in over 20 countries.
General Meta Tags
5- titleCreate Account – VOX Books
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Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:site_nameVOX Books
- og:urlhttps://voxshop.libraryideas.com/account/register
- og:titleCreate Account
- og:typewebsite
- og:descriptionVox Books, Innovative digital solutions for libraries around the world. We proudly distribute e-content, design and build innovative products, and directly handle customer service to ensure optimal satisfaction. Library Ideas® has over 5,000 customers in over 20 countries.
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:titleCreate Account
- twitter:descriptionVox Books, Innovative digital solutions for libraries around the world. We proudly distribute e-content, design and build innovative products, and directly handle customer service to ensure optimal satisfaction. Library Ideas® has over 5,000 customers in over 20 countries.
Link Tags
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30- https://voxshop.libraryideas.com
- https://voxshop.libraryideas.com/account/login
- https://voxshop.libraryideas.com/account/register
- https://voxshop.libraryideas.com/cart
- https://voxshop.libraryideas.com/collections/add-ons