Preview meta tags from the vslive.com website.
Linked Hostnames
9- 29 links tovslive.com
- 8 links tolive360events.com
- 4 links to1105media.com
- 2 links tona.eventscloud.com
- 1 link toconverge360.com
- 1 link tolinkedin.com
- 1 link totwitter.com
- 1 link towww.instagram.com
Search Engine Appearance
Visual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
The Visual Studio Live! (VSLive!) training conference series are the leading training conferences for Visual Studio, .NET and Azure developers, offering in-depth training on Microsoft Visual Studio & .NET framework, Azure, SQL Server, Blazor, DevOps, .NET Core, AI, containers, C#, VB, and so much more. 2025 Cities include Las Vegas, Orlando, Microsoft HQ / Redmond, WA, and San Diego.
Visual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
The Visual Studio Live! (VSLive!) training conference series are the leading training conferences for Visual Studio, .NET and Azure developers, offering in-depth training on Microsoft Visual Studio & .NET framework, Azure, SQL Server, Blazor, DevOps, .NET Core, AI, containers, C#, VB, and so much more. 2025 Cities include Las Vegas, Orlando, Microsoft HQ / Redmond, WA, and San Diego.
Visual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
The Visual Studio Live! (VSLive!) training conference series are the leading training conferences for Visual Studio, .NET and Azure developers, offering in-depth training on Microsoft Visual Studio & .NET framework, Azure, SQL Server, Blazor, DevOps, .NET Core, AI, containers, C#, VB, and so much more. 2025 Cities include Las Vegas, Orlando, Microsoft HQ / Redmond, WA, and San Diego.
General Meta Tags
6- titleDeveloper Conferences and Events Home -- Visual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
- descriptionThe Visual Studio Live! (VSLive!) training conference series are the leading training conferences for Visual Studio, .NET and Azure developers, offering in-depth training on Microsoft Visual Studio & .NET framework, Azure, SQL Server, Blazor, DevOps, .NET Core, AI, containers, C#, VB, and so much more. 2025 Cities include Las Vegas, Orlando, Microsoft HQ / Redmond, WA, and San Diego.
- keywordsVisual Studio Live!, VSLive!, Visual Studio, training, developer, conference, .NET, Microsoft Visual Studio, Azure, DevOps, containers, Blazor, F# Programming, cross-platform development, mobile development, artificial intelligence, .NET Core
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Open Graph Meta Tags
5- og:titleVisual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
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- og:imagehttps://vslive.com/~/media/ECG/VSLive/vsliveog1.jpg
- og:site_nameVisual Studio Live!: Training Conferences and Events for Enterprise Microsoft .NET and Azure Developers
Link Tags
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