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APAC Awards - APAC
APAC Awards recognise individuals and organizations that have made an exceptional contribution to APAC and the international conformity assessment community. APAC AWARD RECIPIENTS APAC Life-Time Achievement Award 2024: Mr. Yoshinobu Uematsu APAC Technical Excellence Award 2024: Mr. Mohan Sabaratnam APAC Organizational Recognition Award 2024: Taiwan Accreditation Foundation APAC Award 2024: Ms. Annette Dever 2024: Ms. … Continued
APAC Awards - APAC
APAC Awards recognise individuals and organizations that have made an exceptional contribution to APAC and the international conformity assessment community. APAC AWARD RECIPIENTS APAC Life-Time Achievement Award 2024: Mr. Yoshinobu Uematsu APAC Technical Excellence Award 2024: Mr. Mohan Sabaratnam APAC Organizational Recognition Award 2024: Taiwan Accreditation Foundation APAC Award 2024: Ms. Annette Dever 2024: Ms. … Continued
APAC Awards - APAC
APAC Awards recognise individuals and organizations that have made an exceptional contribution to APAC and the international conformity assessment community. APAC AWARD RECIPIENTS APAC Life-Time Achievement Award 2024: Mr. Yoshinobu Uematsu APAC Technical Excellence Award 2024: Mr. Mohan Sabaratnam APAC Organizational Recognition Award 2024: Taiwan Accreditation Foundation APAC Award 2024: Ms. Annette Dever 2024: Ms. … Continued
General Meta Tags
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Open Graph Meta Tags
7- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleAPAC Awards - APAC
- og:descriptionAPAC Awards recognise individuals and organizations that have made an exceptional contribution to APAC and the international conformity assessment community. APAC AWARD RECIPIENTS APAC Life-Time Achievement Award 2024: Mr. Yoshinobu Uematsu APAC Technical Excellence Award 2024: Mr. Mohan Sabaratnam APAC Organizational Recognition Award 2024: Taiwan Accreditation Foundation APAC Award 2024: Ms. Annette Dever 2024: Ms. … Continued
- og:urlhttps://www.apac-accreditation.org/about/apac-awards/
Twitter Meta Tags
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- https://www.apac-accreditation.org/about/apac-awards
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