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Foresight The CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures

Climate data are a compass to orient us in the journey that mankind is undertaking towards climate resilience. Temperature values are petals that tell stories and engage people with colours, maps and graphs.From the latest European State of the Climate, between Artificial Intelligence, climate predictions and solutions to deal with the consequences of climate change on well-being, society and economies, the analyses of Simona Masina, Monia Santini (who at CMCC direct the Institute for Earth System Predictions and the Institute for Climate Resilience respectively) and Anna Lombardi (climate data visualiser at Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S).


Foresight The CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures


Climate data are a compass to orient us in the journey that mankind is undertaking towards climate resilience. Temperature values are petals that tell stories and engage people with colours, maps and graphs.From the latest European State of the Climate, between Artificial Intelligence, climate predictions and solutions to deal with the consequences of climate change on well-being, society and economies, the analyses of Simona Masina, Monia Santini (who at CMCC direct the Institute for Earth System Predictions and the Institute for Climate Resilience respectively) and Anna Lombardi (climate data visualiser at Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S).



Foresight The CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures

Climate data are a compass to orient us in the journey that mankind is undertaking towards climate resilience. Temperature values are petals that tell stories and engage people with colours, maps and graphs.From the latest European State of the Climate, between Artificial Intelligence, climate predictions and solutions to deal with the consequences of climate change on well-being, society and economies, the analyses of Simona Masina, Monia Santini (who at CMCC direct the Institute for Earth System Predictions and the Institute for Climate Resilience respectively) and Anna Lombardi (climate data visualiser at Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S).

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      Foresight The CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures
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    • description
      Climate data are a compass to orient us in the journey that mankind is undertaking towards climate resilience. Temperature values are petals that tell stories and engage people with colours, maps and graphs.From the latest European State of the Climate, between Artificial Intelligence, climate predictions and solutions to deal with the consequences of climate change on well-being, society and economies, the analyses of Simona Masina, Monia Santini (who at CMCC direct the Institute for Earth System Predictions and the Institute for Climate Resilience respectively) and Anna Lombardi (climate data visualiser at Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S).
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

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    • og:title
      Foresight The CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures
    • og:description
      Climate data are a compass to orient us in the journey that mankind is undertaking towards climate resilience. Temperature values are petals that tell stories and engage people with colours, maps and graphs.From the latest European State of the Climate, between Artificial Intelligence, climate predictions and solutions to deal with the consequences of climate change on well-being, society and economies, the analyses of Simona Masina, Monia Santini (who at CMCC direct the Institute for Earth System Predictions and the Institute for Climate Resilience respectively) and Anna Lombardi (climate data visualiser at Copernicus Climate Change Service - C3S).
    • og:url
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