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Educator pay -
Educator pay Educators are Minnesota’s most valuable resource. It’s time we start treating them that way. Learn more Minnesota teachers make 28% less on average compared to other workers with the same education level. Many education support professionals only make minimum wage — often not enough to cover health insurance costs. The state of Minnesota[…]
Educator pay -
Educator pay Educators are Minnesota’s most valuable resource. It’s time we start treating them that way. Learn more Minnesota teachers make 28% less on average compared to other workers with the same education level. Many education support professionals only make minimum wage — often not enough to cover health insurance costs. The state of Minnesota[…]
Educator pay -
Educator pay Educators are Minnesota’s most valuable resource. It’s time we start treating them that way. Learn more Minnesota teachers make 28% less on average compared to other workers with the same education level. Many education support professionals only make minimum wage — often not enough to cover health insurance costs. The state of Minnesota[…]
General Meta Tags
9- titleEducator pay -
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- article:publisherhttp://www.facebook.com/educationminnesota
Open Graph Meta Tags
9- og:localeen_US
- og:typearticle
- og:titleEducator pay -
- og:descriptionEducator pay Educators are Minnesota’s most valuable resource. It’s time we start treating them that way. Learn more Minnesota teachers make 28% less on average compared to other workers with the same education level. Many education support professionals only make minimum wage — often not enough to cover health insurance costs. The state of Minnesota[…]
- og:urlhttps://www.edmnvotes.org/issues/educator-pay/
Twitter Meta Tags
3- twitter:cardsummary_large_image
- twitter:label1Est. reading time
- twitter:data13 minutes
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- https://www.edmnvotes.org
- https://www.edmnvotes.org/issues
- https://www.edmnvotes.org/issues/educator-health-care
- https://www.edmnvotes.org/issues/educator-pay