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Code consultation 2024

The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the new code, which has been fully redrafted following feedback from the 2023 consultation. We want to ensure the redrafted code is clear, effective and relevant.


Code consultation 2024


The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the new code, which has been fully redrafted following feedback from the 2023 consultation. We want to ensure the redrafted code is clear, effective and relevant.



Code consultation 2024

The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the new code, which has been fully redrafted following feedback from the 2023 consultation. We want to ensure the redrafted code is clear, effective and relevant.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Code consultation 2024 | Fundraising Regulator
    • charset
    • description
      The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the new code, which has been fully redrafted following feedback from the 2023 consultation. We want to ensure the redrafted code is clear, effective and relevant.
    • robots
      index, follow
    • Generator
      Drupal 10 (https://www.drupal.org)
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:site_name
      Fundraising Regulator
    • og:url
    • og:title
      Code consultation 2024
    • og:description
      The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the new code, which has been fully redrafted following feedback from the 2023 consultation. We want to ensure the redrafted code is clear, effective and relevant.
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:title
      Code consultation 2024
    • twitter:description
      The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the new code, which has been fully redrafted following feedback from the 2023 consultation. We want to ensure the redrafted code is clear, effective and relevant.
    • twitter:site
    • twitter:url
  • Link Tags

    • apple-touch-icon-precomposed
    • apple-touch-icon-precomposed
    • apple-touch-icon-precomposed
    • apple-touch-icon-precomposed
    • apple-touch-icon-precomposed
