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China to offer Solomon Islands anti-riot gear, send police advisory team
China will offer police anti-riot equipment and send an ad-hoc police advisory group to the Solomon Islands at the request of the Solomon Islands government, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday.
China to offer Solomon Islands anti-riot gear, send police advisory team
China will offer police anti-riot equipment and send an ad-hoc police advisory group to the Solomon Islands at the request of the Solomon Islands government, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday.
China to offer Solomon Islands anti-riot gear, send police advisory team
China will offer police anti-riot equipment and send an ad-hoc police advisory group to the Solomon Islands at the request of the Solomon Islands government, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday.
General Meta Tags
22- titleChina to offer Solomon Islands anti-riot gear, send police advisory team - Global Times
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7- twitter:imagehttps://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2021/2021-11-28/b35b0e50-d421-4863-a645-a82f4f15f414.jpeg
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