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Since 2005, Pyr has published in many areas of speculative fiction, including steampunk, epic fantasy, hard science fiction, sci-fantasy blends, alternate history, sword and sorcery, near future thrillers, and space opera. In 2011, Pyr published their first books specifically for the young Adult reader. Regardless of subgenre, Pyr has delivered on its mission to provide books of a consistently high quality, from the content to the packaging.
Since 2005, Pyr has published in many areas of speculative fiction, including steampunk, epic fantasy, hard science fiction, sci-fantasy blends, alternate history, sword and sorcery, near future thrillers, and space opera. In 2011, Pyr published their first books specifically for the young Adult reader. Regardless of subgenre, Pyr has delivered on its mission to provide books of a consistently high quality, from the content to the packaging.
Since 2005, Pyr has published in many areas of speculative fiction, including steampunk, epic fantasy, hard science fiction, sci-fantasy blends, alternate history, sword and sorcery, near future thrillers, and space opera. In 2011, Pyr published their first books specifically for the young Adult reader. Regardless of subgenre, Pyr has delivered on its mission to provide books of a consistently high quality, from the content to the packaging.
General Meta Tags
5- titleABOUT US - PYR
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- article:modified_time2019-04-10T06:44:07+00:00
Open Graph Meta Tags
6- og:localeen_US
- og:typewebsite
- og:titleABOUT US - PYR
- og:descriptionSince 2005, Pyr has published in many areas of speculative fiction, including steampunk, epic fantasy, hard science fiction, sci-fantasy blends, alternate history, sword and sorcery, near future thrillers, and space opera. In 2011, Pyr published their first books specifically for the young Adult reader. Regardless of subgenre, Pyr has delivered on its mission to provide books of a consistently high quality, from the content to the packaging.
- og:urlhttps://www.pyrsf.com/
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