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Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta

It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here! This release features redesigned docs, CSS variables for all our components, responsive offcanvas, new helpers and utilities, refined buttons and inputs, and lots of improvements under the hood. Given the size of the update and time since our last release, we’re doing something different and shipping it as a beta first. Keep reading for details. Why so long? I want to start by acknowledging the time it’s taken to ship a new release.


Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta

It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here! This release features redesigned docs, CSS variables for all our components, responsive offcanvas, new helpers and utilities, refined buttons and inputs, and lots of improvements under the hood. Given the size of the update and time since our last release, we’re doing something different and shipping it as a beta first. Keep reading for details. Why so long? I want to start by acknowledging the time it’s taken to ship a new release.


Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta

It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here! This release features redesigned docs, CSS variables for all our components, responsive offcanvas, new helpers and utilities, refined buttons and inputs, and lots of improvements under the hood. Given the size of the update and time since our last release, we’re doing something different and shipping it as a beta first. Keep reading for details. Why so long? I want to start by acknowledging the time it’s taken to ship a new release.

  • General Meta Tags

    • title
      Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta | Bootstrap Blog
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    • viewport
      width=device-width, initial-scale=1
  • Open Graph Meta Tags

    • og:url
    • og:site_name
      Bootstrap Blog
    • og:title
      Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta
    • og:description
      It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here! This release features redesigned docs, CSS variables for all our components, responsive offcanvas, new helpers and utilities, refined buttons and inputs, and lots of improvements under the hood. Given the size of the update and time since our last release, we’re doing something different and shipping it as a beta first. Keep reading for details. Why so long? I want to start by acknowledging the time it’s taken to ship a new release.
    • og:locale
  • Twitter Meta Tags

    • twitter:card
    • twitter:image
    • twitter:title
      Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta
    • twitter:description
      It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here! This release features redesigned docs, CSS variables for all our components, responsive offcanvas, new helpers and utilities, refined buttons and inputs, and lots of improvements under the hood. Given the size of the update and time since our last release, we’re doing something different and shipping it as a beta first. Keep reading for details. Why so long? I want to start by acknowledging the time it’s taken to ship a new release.
    • twitter:site
  • Item Prop Meta Tags

    • name
      Bootstrap 5.2.0 beta
    • description
      It’s the biggest release since v5 itself—Bootstrap v5.2.0-beta1 is here! This release features redesigned docs, CSS variables for all our components, responsive offcanvas, new helpers and utilities, refined buttons and inputs, and lots of improvements under the hood. Given the size of the update and time since our last release, we’re doing something different and shipping it as a beta first. Keep reading for details. Why so long? I want to start by acknowledging the time it’s taken to ship a new release.
    • datePublished
    • dateModified
    • wordCount
  • Link Tags

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