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Cyber Resilience Act - end of the regulator's patience

The EU is gradually completing its digital legislation. With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the European Data Strategy, which is based on the four pillars of data protection, fundamental rights, security and cyber security, is strengthened in the fourth pillar. In doing so, the principles of product liability are extended to hardware and software products, in the parlance of the CRA "products with digital elements". The CRA sets out two overarching objectives: to create conditions for the development of secure products with digital elements and to create conditions that enable users to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products with digital elements.


Cyber Resilience Act - end of the regulator's patience

The EU is gradually completing its digital legislation. With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the European Data Strategy, which is based on the four pillars of data protection, fundamental rights, security and cyber security, is strengthened in the fourth pillar. In doing so, the principles of product liability are extended to hardware and software products, in the parlance of the CRA "products with digital elements". The CRA sets out two overarching objectives: to create conditions for the development of secure products with digital elements and to create conditions that enable users to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products with digital elements.


Cyber Resilience Act - end of the regulator's patience

The EU is gradually completing its digital legislation. With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the European Data Strategy, which is based on the four pillars of data protection, fundamental rights, security and cyber security, is strengthened in the fourth pillar. In doing so, the principles of product liability are extended to hardware and software products, in the parlance of the CRA "products with digital elements". The CRA sets out two overarching objectives: to create conditions for the development of secure products with digital elements and to create conditions that enable users to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products with digital elements.

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      Cyber Resilience Act - end of the regulator's patience | CORE
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      The EU is gradually completing its digital legislation. With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the European Data Strategy, which is based on the four pillars of data protection, fundamental rights, security and cyber security, is strengthened in the fourth pillar. In doing so, the principles of product liability are extended to hardware and software products, in the parlance of the CRA "products with digital elements". The CRA sets out two overarching objectives: to create conditions for the development of secure products with digital elements and to create conditions that enable users to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products with digital elements.
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      Blog post
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      Cyber Resilience Act - end of the regulator's patience
    • og:description
      The EU is gradually completing its digital legislation. With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the European Data Strategy, which is based on the four pillars of data protection, fundamental rights, security and cyber security, is strengthened in the fourth pillar. In doing so, the principles of product liability are extended to hardware and software products, in the parlance of the CRA "products with digital elements". The CRA sets out two overarching objectives: to create conditions for the development of secure products with digital elements and to create conditions that enable users to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products with digital elements.
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      Cyber Resilience Act - end of the regulator's patience
    • twitter:description
      The EU is gradually completing its digital legislation. With the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the European Data Strategy, which is based on the four pillars of data protection, fundamental rights, security and cyber security, is strengthened in the fourth pillar. In doing so, the principles of product liability are extended to hardware and software products, in the parlance of the CRA "products with digital elements". The CRA sets out two overarching objectives: to create conditions for the development of secure products with digital elements and to create conditions that enable users to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products with digital elements.
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